Monday, August 9, 2010

just a couple things

To whom it may concern:
I sincerely apologize for shirking my blogging duties. :-)
I have in fact been baking AND cooking very day this weekend and today, but I have to confess I've been re-making recipes!

Yesterday was particularly intense- I made my favorite blondies, apricot oat squares, a challah and a really easy veggie sauté! And today since I finished the last of my homemade whole wheat bread last night at dinner, I just HAD to make another one. :-) There is really nothing quite like fresh, homemade bread- especially when you can make it start to finish in an hour!
And sadly, we dropped off my Tan-Tan at the airport yesterday afternoon after a really great 2-week visit, her first to the United States! But we know we'll be seeing her again very soon. But I made sure to send her off with some snacks for the flight (yup: blondies and the oat squares!)

But since I know you're probably a little hungry right about now, have some pictures anyways. :-)

Happy Baking!

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